A YEAR AMONG THE GIRLS, by Darrell G. Raynor; Lyle Stuart, Inc., New York, N. Y. Hardcover, 189 pp, $4.95 (1966)
In this autobiographical account, the author makes a very serious effort to explore and explain the TV world as he saw it from March 1962 to March 1963. He is an excellent observer and a skilled writer, and it is unfortunate that his viewpoint (more fetishist than TV by his own account) is such as to make his interpretations miss the mark. The good public image of the TV, so carefully built up in the text, is almost completely destroyed by the last chapter where the author suddenly loses his objectivity and becomes both petulant and spiteful.
Sheila Niles
After trying for several years I have obtained the inflatable plastic inserts which come with the bras I have been supplying, by themselves. A pair of these will cost $4.00 and can be used in your own bra. The bra with inserts will continue to be available too, so please specify when ordering.
These plastic inserts make the most natural fal- sies yet available. Although intended to supplement an inadaquate normal breast by inflation with air, the jelly ingredients especially invented to go with these. inserts convert them into a very natural, soft, heavy and flowing-type breasts. Worn in a bra with elastic straps they will bounce and move just as a natural breast will. The consistancy of the jelly makes it move away from a point of pressure to the other side just as a natural breast. Rubber falsies only collapse inwards under pressure and do not "feel" natural while doing so. There is really nothing more realistic available.
"Ask the Girl h Wears a Pai"